Criminal Justice Angelo State Prof Picked for FBI Course


Dr. Manuel Zamora of the Angelo State University security studies and criminal justice faculty has been selected to attend the FBI National Academy Associates Command College May 18-22 at the FBI division offices in Houston.

The Command College is a leadership development course designed to advance the professional development of police leaders. Zamora spent 30 years with the Houston Police Department before joining the ASU faculty and is still a ranking officer in the Harris County Constables Office. That office’s jurisdiction includes much of Houston, as well as the Port of Houston and Houston Ship Channel.

“Each of 17 threat categories identified by FEMA exists in this region,” Zamora said. “As a criminal justice and security studies program that is highly ranked in Texas and the U.S., it is incumbent that we remain knowledgeable of the threats and the means to interdict and dismantle the threat groups.”

Issues to be discussed at the Command College include human trafficking, hate crimes, crisis negotiation, weapons of mass destruction, illicit substances, media relations and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as other topics relevant to intelligence, criminal justice and homeland security.

“Our ability to remain cognizant of the challenges and issues facing our homeland positions us to transfer the most current knowledge available to our students,” Zamora said. “Students appreciate learning from professors who remain involved in their discipline and who are able to bring life to the realities they study. They see this as practical and not just a transfer of book knowledge. ASU’s most recent student satisfaction survey also indicated this expectation of professor experience as necessary for a good education.”

An ASU faculty member since 2011, Zamora teaches his ASU classes online from Houston, including courses in international human trafficking, drug policy and drug trafficking, terrorism and counter-terrorism, emergency management planning, weapons of mass destruction and research. He makes regular research presentations at professional law enforcement conferences and is on the editorial board of the ASU Center for Security Studies’ research publication, the “e-Journal of Homeland and National Security Perspectives.” He is also a member of the Concho Valley Council of Governments.

While a Houston police officer, Zamora served as a patrolman, undercover vice and narcotics investigator, supervisory homicide investigator and unit commander of the Special Response Group, Recruiting Division, and Crime Analysis and Command Center. He also served as section manager, lead researcher and principal investigator for the Planning and Research Division.

Zamora holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Houston, earned his doctorate from UH-University Park and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.


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