Glenmore Elementary Receives Two Reward Designations from TEA


The Texas Education Agency has announced its list of Title 1 Reward Schools for the 2014–15 school year. SAISD’s Glenmore Elementary is among more than 400 Reward Schools named statewide. Glenmore is being recognized for both high performance and high progress.

The identification of high-performing and/or high-progress Title I schools is a part of the state’s conditional waiver from the U.S. Department of Education for specific provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (commonly known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001).  The identification process is based on statewide reading and mathematics assessments under the State Accountability System in the 2013-2014 school year and graduation rates.

A high-performance reward school is identified as a Title I school with distinctions based on reading and math performance. In addition, at the high school level, a reward school is a Title I school with the highest graduation rates.

A high progress school is a Title 1 school in the top 25 percent in annual improvement and/or a school in the top 25 percent of those demonstrating the ability to close performance gaps based on system safeguards.

Glenmore is one of only two Region XV High-Performing Schools and one of only four Region XV High-Progress Schools. Principal Cheri Braden has served in the top leadership post at the campus for the past 10 years. 

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i have a daughter currently in pre k and a daughter in 3rd grade at Glenmore and this has been the best school that I have found in San Angelo. the teachers and staff always go above and beyond for the students. all the the teachers and staff are always so loving and caring. they always make sure that the parents are fully aware of the status of their child/children at all times. Glenmore absolutely deserves these awards.

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