In a devastating incident, a Midland Independent School District (MISD) student, struck by an illegal alien driving a truck in a hit-and-run on Thursday, has succumbed to injuries, according to the City of Midland.
Law enforcement officials booked 21 individuals into the Tom Green County Jail since the last update on a charges ranging from Animal Abuse to Drug Dealing to Illegal Dumping.
Border Patrol agents from the Alpine, Texas Station confiscated over 530 pounds of marijuana during a vehicle stop about a mile south of the Border Patrol checkpoint on Highway 385 on Sunday.
Law enforcement officials booked ten individuals into the Tom Green County Jail since the last update on a charges ranging from Arson to Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon to Minor in Possession of Tobacco and Drug Possession.
On Dec. 27, 67-year-old Leah Hughes was found dead in her residence in the 1800 block of Brent Dr. On Feb. 6, 26-year-old Colten Hughes was charged with her murder.