Woman Accused of Drowning Dog in Airport Bathroom After Boarding Denied


ORLANDO, FL – A Florida woman is facing felony animal cruelty charges after authorities say she drowned her dog in an Orlando International Airport bathroom upon being denied boarding for her flight.

According to local media reports, Alison Lawrence, 44, attempted to board a Dec. 16 flight to Colombia with her 9-year-old miniature Schnauzer, Tywinn. When airline staff informed her she lacked the required paperwork for the dog to travel, she was forced to leave the pet behind.

Authorities believe Lawrence then took the dog into a restroom, where she allegedly drowned it before discarding the body in a trash bag. An airport employee later discovered the remains after witnessing Lawrence cleaning up water and dog food inside a stall.

Surveillance footage showed Lawrence arriving at the airport with the dog but later sitting at the gate alone. Animal services used a microchip to identify the pet and confirm the cause of death.

Lawrence was taken into custody in Lake County and released after posting a $5,000 bond. She is charged with aggravated animal cruelty, a third-degree felony.

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More democratic mental illness syndrome.

Anyone who can kill their pet for convenience deserves death penalty.  

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