San Angelo Woman Indicted for Stabbing Boyfriend


SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo woman has been indicted for stabbing her boyfriend with a knife.

Rachel Bustos, 42, of San Angelo, has been indicted by a Tom Green County grand jury for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

According to court documents, on Aug. 11, 2024, San Angelo police responded to Shannon Medical Center, located at 120 East Harris Avenue, regarding a stabbing victim. Officers learned that the victim and the defendant, identified as Bustos, had an argument over personal property and Bustos ended up stabbing the victim in the right arm.

The victim was being treated for a deep laceration on his right forearm and two minor cuts around his wrist. He also had dried blood on both of his hands and the cut on his right forearm measured approximately 1.5 inches and was about an inch deep.

The investigator was told the victim was meeting up with Bustos to discuss a property dispute over a cell phone and money. The victim said he attempted to take Bustos’ key fob when he was stabbed. He also stated he never saw the knife and only felt blood running down his arm. 

Bustos was interviewed at the San Angelo Police Department Criminal Investigations Division Annex. She said that she and the victim met at 614 West 29th Street to discuss the property. Bustos had the knife, a 2” folding knife, in the open position. She claimed that she was in fear of the victim and had been previously assaulted by him. To prove this, she showed a small bruise on her arm that occurred a few days prior to the stabbing.

Bustos said that when the victim attempted to take her vehicle, she began stabbing the victim’s vehicle window. The victim then exited her vehicle when it would not start and tried to take the key fob from her. Bustos then said she did not intend to stab the victim, and it was reckless to have the knife in the open position.

Bustos was arrested on August 12, 2024, and was released the same day on $50,000 bond. She is next due in court on March 26, 2025.

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Not a believer in men whining to authorities just because a woman stabs them a few times, but if he could have just gently punched her in her face, this tragedy could have been avoided.

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