Naked Odessa Man Arrested After Barricading Himself Inside Broken-Down Vehicle


ODESSA, TX — An Odessa man was arrested Tuesday after standing in his driveway naked and displaying “erratic violent behavior.”

Odessa police responded to a disturbance call Tuesday afternoon, when they encountered Joel Fuentes, 36, according to a report by NewsWest 9 in Midland.

Police believed Fuentes was intoxicated.

Upon seeing the police, Fuentes barricaded himself inside a broken-down vehicle in the driveway.

Fuentes refused to get out of the car, and police attempted unsuccessfully to remove him by shooting pepper balls into the vehicle.

A police K9 was eventually deployed into the vehicle through an open window, which resulted in Fuentes finally opening the door.

Fuentes was charged with resisting arrest, public intoxication and violating parole.

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