Texas Couple Sentenced to Prison After Pit Bulls Kill Elderly Man


SAN ANTONIO, TX — A Texas couple whose pit bulls killed an elderly man were each sentenced to prison last week.

Ramon Najera, 81, died Feb. 24, 2023, after being mauled by two dogs that escaped their yard and attacked him and his 74-year-old wife, Juanita, while they were visiting friends.

First responders reported witnessing Najera’s body being dragged by one of the dogs, who then attacked firefighters.

Three other people were reportedly bitten by the dogs prior to the attack that killed Najera, but the dogs were returned to the owners each time after they paid animal control fees to the City of San Antonio.

The dogs’ owners, Christian Morena and Abilene Schneider, were criminally negligent for not providing adequate fencing and and allowing the dogs to roam free, according to the DA’s Office.

Morena was given an 18-year sentence, while Schneider received a 15-year sentence. The married couple is also prohibited from owning dogs again.

“The defendants’ failure to act responsibly and secure their pit bulls resulted in injuries and the loss of a life. I believe the defendants received adequate punishment and justice has been served for the Najera family,” DA Joe Gonzales said in a news release.

Ramon Najera, 81, died Feb. 24, 2023, after being mauled by two dogs that escaped their yard and attacked him and his 74-year-old wife, Juanita, while they were visiting friends.

Ramon Najera, 81, died Feb. 24, 2023, after being mauled by two dogs that escaped their yard and attacked him and his 74-year-old wife, Juanita, while they were visiting friends.

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CGM5, Tue, 09/24/2024 - 18:48

I have a close friend that lives in that neighborhood. He has seen those same dogs more than once roaming the street and neighbor's yards. He told me about this story a few months ago. He said the dogs were after the woman first and her husband came to her defense. 

Pits are extremely strong but I don't believe for a second that they are naturally mean. When my kids were small we had two dogs a chow and a pit. Both were large, heavy and very strong. We lived in the middle of the block so kids from the hood gathered at our house. I have watched kids ride that pit like a horse, wrestle with him, try to hold him still and tackle him. That dog loved people especially kids. My point is, it's not the dog that's naturally mean, it's the owner that makes them that way.

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