Fugitive on the Run Near Lake Nasworthy


SAN ANGELO, TX — Law enforcement officers were seen searching for a suspect who fled a traffic stop. According to a source at the scene, two fled a traffic stop on Red Bluff Road at around 9:30 p.m. DPS is leading the search for the second fugitive.

About a dozen San Angelo police, Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies, and Texas DPS troopers, some in unmarked cars, were witnessed off Red Bluff Road near the slough.

The fugitives abandoned their vehicle on a random residential driveway on Palms Court and fled on foot. San Angelo police have deployed their K9 unit and a drone. Also, we saw SAPD Lake Patrol searching with the police boat up and down the canal behind the homes. This is a newer lake community on Lake Nasworthy.

Home Motors arrived and towed the fugitives' abandoned car. We are seeking more information.

Fugitive on the Run Near Lake Nasworthy

Fugitive on the Run Near Lake Nasworthy

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They arrested one of them but have failed to update the public on the second passenger of that vehicle. Typical of police today. They expect raises when they can't even catch someone on foot and have police officers with TWO DWI'S... lmao get your fat asses in shape before you ask for a raise and fire that worthless drunk for fuck sake

It's okay Joe they're too busy trying to cover their own tracks with that DUI. The best thing they can do is fire him and start with a clean slate with their new chief of police. I can tell you now that Travis Griffith wont be re elected if Hernandez isn't relieved of police duties permanently. We the people are tired of being lied to, treated like foreigners in our own country and taken advantage of by our very own police force.

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