Whiskey River Trial Finds Vera Guilty of Murder


SAN ANGELO, TX — Ray Vera has been convicted of murdering U.S. Marine Bryce Rudisell by stabbing him in the chest in the side parking lot of the Whiskey River Saloon during a fight between Vera's group and a group of troops stationed at Goodfellow Air Force Base. Vera also assaulted Goodfellow AFB service member Andrew Cauwell with his hands and kicked him after Cauwell fell to the ground following a blow to the head with a glass beer mug, causing serious bodily injury to Cauwell.

The jury deliberated from 3:30 p.m. after the state and defense presented closing arguments until a little past 7 p.m. Tensions in the courtroom had been high all week, prompting presiding 51st District Judge Carmen Dusek to order an increased presence of law enforcement to guard the courthouse during the trial. As the verdict was read, family and friends of the victim Rudisell crowded one side of courtroom A, while Vera's supporters were seated across the middle aisle.

Upon the verdict announcement, a man on Vera's side shouted then was ejected from the courtroom by the bailiff, and at least two Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies escorted him, along with a woman, out of the courthouse. There were at least 10 armed law enforcement officers inside the courtroom as the verdict was delivered. Testimony revealed that Vera was associated with a motorcycle gang affiliated with the Banditos.

Following Judge Dusek's reading of the verdict, defense attorney Jason Sosa requested that the jury be polled. The verdict was unanimous for the 10 women and two men on the jury.

The Rudisell family and friends were excused from the courtroom before Vera's supporters were released to prevent any altercations at the courthouse. 119th District Attorney John Best departed the courtroom with the Rudisell family.

The punishment phase of the trial is scheduled to commence Wednesday morning. Vera faces a sentence of 5 to 99 years in prison for murder and two to 20 years in prison for each of the two second-degree felony convictions.

Ray Vera has been convicted of murdering U.S. Marine Bryce Rudisell by stabbing him in the chest in the side parking lot of the Whiskey River Saloon during a fight between Vera's group and a group of troops stationed at Goodfellow Air For

Ray Vera has been convicted of murdering U.S. Marine Bryce Rudisell by stabbing him in the chest in the side parking lot of the Whiskey River Saloon during a fight between Vera's group and a group of troops stationed at Goodfellow Air For

The parking lot of the Whiskey River Saloon, 125 E Concho Ave. in San Angelo, where Bryace Rudisell was stabbed to death by Ray Vera.

The parking lot of the Whiskey River Saloon, 125 E Concho Ave. in San Angelo, where Bryace Rudisell was stabbed to death by Ray Vera.

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Now we see if justice will be applied to this chickenshit slug.

Should never be able to breath free air again.

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