FBI Raids Human Trafficking Operation in Plano


PLANO, Texas — Following an FBI raid in Collin County, three individuals face sex trafficking charges, drawing attention to an apparent sex trafficking operation uncovered in a placid neighborhood near Coit and Parker roads in Plano.

Law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, were seen in the area on Monday at a rental home on Sowerby Drive, as captured by SKY 4 images. The raid resulted in the arrest of 40-year-old William Garland, who stands accused of orchestrating a sex trafficking ring.

Additionally, authorities detained 24-year-old Jalen Bobo and 27-year-old Robberta Khan in connection to the alleged sex trafficking operation.

According to police, the trio is charged with recruiting young women to work as escorts, with reports alleging that these women were coerced into the trade through violent means.

Garland's arrest culminates from a lengthy investigation spanning several years. The accused trio faces charges of coercion, enticement, and aiding and abetting in the operation.

If convicted, Garland and Bobo could potentially face life imprisonment, while Khan might face a maximum sentence of 20 years behind bars.

However, law enforcement officials assert that the case remains open and is more extensive than initially perceived. They suspect the trafficking ring extends beyond Collin County and anticipate the involvement of additional individuals.

Authorities urge anyone with relevant information to assist the investigation by contacting the police at 972-941-2044.

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