Mom Leaves Own Child to Suffer in Car


ODESSA TX— Cassidy Nicole Belis, a mother from Odessa, faces charges once again after an eight-year-old child arrived at school on Tuesday with injuries. Belis was previously charged last year by officers with the Odessa Police Department after they alleged she left her young children in a car while dining at a local restaurant with her husband. The current charge against Belis is Injury to a Child, classified as a third-degree felony.

An Odessa Police Department (OPD) report stated that on November 28, officers were alerted about a student arriving at school with swelling and a cut to her lower lip. The child reported to an adult that her mother, identified as Belis, caused the injury by throwing a cellphone.

During a forensic interview, the child explained that Belis became upset "about bills," leading to an escalation of the situation. Allegedly, Belis forcefully took the child's cellphone and struck her with the device before hurling it at her face, resulting in the injuries. A witness to the incident corroborated the account, stating she saw Belis throw the phone after informing her child they lacked $90 to cover a bill and inquired if the children had the money to make the payment instead.

Belis was apprehended on a warrant later that same day and was held in the Ector County Law Enforcement Center as of Wednesday afternoon, with bail set at $25,000.

Cassidy Nicole Belis

Cassidy Nicole Belis

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