Jury Finds San Angelo Man Not Guilty of Lewd Crimes Against Children


SAN ANGELO – A San Angelo man has been found not guilty by a jury of his peers two years after he was charged with four counts of child sexual abuse.  

58-year-old Sammy Luna Sablan pleaded not guilty to two counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child and two counts of Indecency With a Child by Sexual Contact.  

The indictment alleges that Sablan sexually assaulted a victim on two separate occasions in July 2018. The indictment and an arrest warrant for Sablan were issued in Nov. 2020, but Sablan was not arrested until Feb. 2021.

The three day jury trial ended Oct. 30, 2023 with the jury finding Sablan not guilty on all counts.  Visiting Judge Lee Hamilton presided over the case tried by Assistant District Attorneys Ashley Knight and Alexandra Porter.  Rae Leifeste defended Sablan.  

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