A Large Pig is Terrorizing This Llano Trailer Park


KINGSLAND, TX – A large pig is terrorizing a neighborhood in Llano county.

According to an interview from Fox 4, on Sep. 27, 2023, Wendy Goldstein and her family are being terrorized by a 300-pound, black and white spotted pig. A 9-1-1 call played during the interview lets viewers hear the chaos once the pig went inside the mobile home.

The family said that this isn't the only time it has happened and has the entire family terrified.

"I'm standing inside my parents' house with a hammer and knife trying to defend myself and defend my family at any cost. I shouldn't have to live like this," said Goldstein. "My whole family's scared; they feel like they're prisoners in their own home; they can't go anywhere."

The Llano County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating the situation. Goldstein claims that the pig's owner is aware but has threatened the family if anyone shoots his pet pig.

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I'd react exactly as I would if a human intruder broke into my home. Pet or not, he has no business inside my house. mmmmm, bacon.


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