San Angelo Man Indicted for Shooting Out Windows in Ex-Girlfriend's Jeep


SAN ANGELO— A San Angelo man has been indicted for shooting out his ex-girlfriend's car window last December during a heated, cross town tete-a-tete.

Santana Garcia, 22, has been indicted by a Tom Green County grand jury for Deadly Conduct Discharging a Firearm after he shot out his ex-girlfriend’s vehicle windows.

According to court documents, on December 11, 2022, San Angelo police were dispatched to the 300 block of North Main Street for a criminal mischief call. Officers made contact with the victim who said she was out with friends and Garcia began repeatedly calling her. The victim said Garcia began yelling and screaming at her on the phone and even said he knew where her vehicle is, where she is staying, and said “I’m going to f**k your s**t up”.

The woman returned to the apartments she was staying at and found that the rear window of her jeep had been shot out and another shot to the driver side rear door appeared to have hit the top of the door and ricocheted into the wall of the apartment complex. The officer was able to recover a spent bullet fragment from the victim’s vehicle.

The same night at around 1:50 a.m., Garcia was involved in a single vehicle rollover crash on Houston Harte. This occurred approximately 10 minutes after a “shots fired” call at the 300 block of North Main Street. An officer did recover a stolen firearm from Garcia’s vehicle.

Investigators viewed security footage from Shannon Medical Center that showed Garcia’s vehicle pull into the apartment complex at 1:35 a.m. on December 11, 2022, then leave about 30 seconds later at a high rate of speed. Calls for service from residents at the apartment complex revealed two gunshots were heard in the area.

On December 15, 2022, the victim sent a Snapchat message to investigators that were from Garcia that said “Sure, I’ll plead guilty.” and “I’m willing to face my consequences for my actions, I’m sorry.”.

Garcia was arrested on December 16 ,2022, and booked into the Tom Green County Jail. He was released on December 30, 2022, on $30,000 bond.

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