San Angelo PD: At Risk Missing Person Found After Brief Search


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Police Department sent out a NIXLE at 9:52 a.m. to seek help in locating a missing "at risk" person. Missing Person: (Sarah Moorland, 49, Female, Caucasian, 5'4", 100lbs). Last seen at the 3000 block of Rockbrook at 8:10 am, 7/10/23. Sarah was last seen wearing a light-colored long-sleeve shirt and Camo pants.

After a brief search, another NIXLE went out at 9:59 a.m. saying that the SAPD had located Sarah and no further assistance was needed. If you have information that can assist in helping safely locate any missing person that the SAPD is searching for, please call dispatch at 325-657-4315.

Sarah Moorland

Sarah Moorland (Contributed: San Angelo Police Department)

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