MS13 Gang Members Hiding in Large Groups of Illegals


EDINBURG, Texas – This week, Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents arrested five gang members with extensive criminal records and outstanding warrants.

On February 25, McAllen agents apprehended a group of 15 individuals in Abram; one being a Sureños gang member. 

On February 26, McAllen agents apprehended a group of 11 migrants near La Joya. One subject was identified as a Mara Salvatrucha-13 (MS-13) gang member previously convicted for aggravated assault on a family member.

MS13 Gang Member Tattoos (Courtesy/CBP)

MS13 Gang Member Tattoos (Courtesy/CBP)

On March 1, Falfurrias agents apprehended four subjects near Encino.  One subject was an 18th Street gang member with charges for drug possession, intent to sell, possession of a weapon, and explosives materials alongside firearms offenses. 

Later, Fort Brown agents encountered two gang members, one Valluco and one Sureño. Further investigation resulted in the successful extradition of one subject due to an active warrant for criminal negligent homicide by vehicle.

“Border Patrol Agents are vigilant in keeping these gang members out of our communities. These violent criminals continuously try to evade arrest by blending in with larger groups of migrants attempting to enter our country,” stated RGV Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez. 

Border Patrol processed all subjects accordingly.

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CGM5, Sun, 03/05/2023 - 08:32

Gang members caught just in Texas. Thanks to biden and his czar's handling of the U.S. border or the lack of, there is no telling how many gang members have made it through. Maybe they are living in your neighborhood and are currently watching your parents or your kids. Just more crap to add to the democrat legacy. 

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