Quadragenarian Caught with 55 Pounds of Cocaine for 'Personal Use' in the 'Safest City in America'


EL PASO – U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers working at the Bridge of the Americas border crossing seized 55.45 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of more than $600,000.

“CBP officers continue to remain vigilant as they sort through the thousands of law abiding border crossers to root out those who choose to introduce dangerous drugs into our community,” said Ray Provencio, CBP El Paso Port Director.

55 lbs Cocaine Seized in El Paso (Contributed/CBP)

55 lbs Cocaine Seized in El Paso (Contributed/CBP)

The seizure took place on Oct. 4, when a 46-year-old male, U.S. citizen arrived from Mexico via vehicle lanes. The individual was referred for a secondary inspection of the vehicle which included screening by a CBP canine and a non-intrusive inspection (x-ray). After conducting a thorough examination, CBP officers located multiple packages concealed within the vehicle containing a total of 55.45 pounds of cocaine.

The narcotics and vehicle were seized by CBP and the driver was turned over to Homeland Security Investigations special agents to face charges in connection with the failed smuggling attempt.

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AR15, Fri, 10/07/2022 - 10:57

Yantis’s first story in some time that is not a direct cut and paste is a flat out lie. Go figure. El Paso does not even rank within the top 35 safest cities in America. Additionally, nowhere in the article does it state that the drug was for personal use.

Yantis is a joke.  Sensationalized journalism is one thing but to lie about a story is NOT journalistic integrity. 

Donald Jones, Fri, 10/07/2022 - 15:14

We know, we know.

The problem is that republicans NEED (to create) sensationalized stories to continue their narrative, because they do not have facts that support their positions.

CGM5, Sat, 10/08/2022 - 09:16

Oh, you mean like hunter biden or the Afghanistan withdrawal or queen nancy using her office to make herself millions of dollars or biden driving gas prices through the roof and trying desperately to find someone else to blame it on or the recession we are heading into just like when we had with the last democrat president or the antifa riots that went on for weeks burning cities attacking police and killing innocents all with the dem's permission and even encouragement or depleting our nation's emergency oil reserves just to make biden and the dems appear to look good or the clusterfk at the border, you mean those sensationalized stories??? 

CGM5, Sat, 10/08/2022 - 09:20

I can come up with many more examples but hopefully all of those will get my point across but probably not. (democrat defense 101 - eyes slammed shut, fingers in ears, stamping of feet, na na na na na).

MAGA, Sat, 10/08/2022 - 16:07

"The problem is that DEMOCRATS NEED (to create) sensationalized stories to continue their narrative, because they do not have facts that support their positions." 

I fixed your improper use of the noun republican and replaced it with Democrat since that's the actual party that sensationalizes EVERYTHING. ESPECIALLY them. Have a great day 

Utter bilge.  The pure fiction of the "Stolen Election", which has been demonstrably proven to be nonsense, is proof that the Trumpistas are the artists when it comes to creating That Which Is What They Want But Not Reality.

Anyone who continues to swallow the poison of the "Stolen Election" is an idiot.  Those who continue to promote that pure nonsense seek only to destroy the way this country has functioned quite nicely for quite some time.  They seek only power.  They seek fascism.  I detest them all, and can only hope that at some time in the future God decides to re-activate their brains... since right now their brains are not functioning at all.

MAGA, Sun, 10/09/2022 - 09:02

Notice no mention of the bad orange man until you entered? Telling isn't it


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