Central Texas Man Sent to Prison for Grisly Triple Murder of His Ex-girlfriend & Her Grandparents


COMANCHE – A Comanche County man has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for the capital murder of his ex-girlfriend and her grandparents in July 2020. 

According to court records, Brendan Jenkins, 23, was found guilty of Capital Murder and received a sentence of life without parole Friday in connection to the murders of his ex-girlfriend, Ashlyn Smith, 18, and her grandparents, Earl Stephens III, 63, and Patricia Stephens, 62.

The range of punishment for Capital Murder is life in prison without parole or the death penalty. 

Jenkins was found guilty of entering the home of his ex-girlfriend off Hwy 2921 in DeLeon in July 2020 and brutally shooting her to death along with her grandparents. 

Jenkins was arrested soon after the murders and admitted to authorities that he had committed the crime.  


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