SAN ANGELO, TX — Police responded to a shooting late Tuesday night at the intersection of N. Pierce and Chestnut St. The investigation continued into the early morning hours.
According to detectives, one person was shot and was at the hospital for treatment as of 2 a.m. Wednesday morning.
At the crime scene, about five subjects were seen being interviewed by officers. One car parked in the street appears to be part of the investigation. One of the subjects at the scene was overheard asking an officer if he can retrieve his money from the car. Police told him no as the Criminal Investigations Division had not photographed the interior of the car for evidence.
While we don’t know if the subject is hoping to retrieve a bag of cash, a pile of cash, or change in the center console, it apparently was enough cash that the subject wanted to have it back.
More details about what happened will be available Wednesday morning as soon as police can release the information.

1 injured in a shooting on July 19, 2022

1 injured in a shooting on July 19, 2022

1 injured in a shooting on July 19, 2022

1 injured in a shooting on July 19, 2022
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