San Angelo Murder Suspect Given 10 Years for Murder Thanks to Plea Deal


SAN ANGELO, TX – A San Angelo murder suspect was given a deal for 10 years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea.

According to court documents, on Feb. 17, Mauricio “Narco” Portillo, 22, pleaded guilty to murder and tampering with physical evidence.

As previously reported, on Feb. 25, 2021, at the Resort at Riverside, located at 3306 North Bryant Blvd. in San Angelo, a drug deal for marijuana went south. For the original article see: Police: Man Shot and Killed During Argument Over Devil's Lettuce Purchase

The deal between Portillo, Portillo's partner Nathan Gonzalez, and the victim Rey Robles ended with Portillo shooting Robles in the head.

Portillo was indicted for the charge in May 2021 and now he has pleaded guilty. In exchange for the guilty plea, Portillo will spend the next 10 years in prison.

He is currently being held in the Tom Green County Jail and will be handed over to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice System shortly.

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CGM5, Thu, 02/17/2022 - 19:18

A criminal's punishment isn't about revenge. More than anything else, it should be a deterrent to the next criminal that thinks about committing a crime. What will a 10 year sentence say to the next criminal who thinks he might want to kill someone, even in a drug deal?

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