WINTERS, TX – A video of a small town dog catcher shooting a stray dog has gone viral.
The following video went viral on Facebook following the incident with the Winters, TX animal control officer:
According to the police report by the Winters Police Department, on Dec. 14 at 10:45 a.m., the Winters Animal Control officer was dispatched to 300 block of Cryer St. for the report of an aggressive dog.
When they arrived, animal control discovered a dog that they knew had been a constant problem with the neighborhood.
"Multiple issues had taken place prior, at the residence, regarding the dog getting into the fenced are of the residence, and being aggressive towards the property owner and the owner cats, killing some of them," read the report. "Also of concern was an elderly woman who lives at the residence and would have been unable to defend herself against such a large aggressive dog."
The report continued by stating that the dog was salivating from the mouth, and had no collar, making it virtually impossible to know if the dog had rabies. This led the dog catchers to make the decision to put the dog down.
"Since the dog was contained within the residential fence, and all possible safe options for capture and removal from the property exhausted, the decision was made to neutralize the dog by means of firearm discharge," stated the report.
It was confirmed that one initial shot had been fired which put the dog on the ground. The crew then waited to see if the dog would die from that shot. This is when the video begins.
"During this time a citizen approached from the opposite side of the street, initiating in a verbal confrontation, by yelling at the animal control officers about the incident, while filming the officer's actions," stated the repot. "The verbal confrontation drew the officer's attention away from the dog, interfering with the officer's ability to carry out his official duty in a timely manner, by concerned with the approaching citizen's demeanor and their safety, while discharging a firearm."
The second shot was then taken which ultimately killed the dog.
The WPD confirmed that they spoke with a veterinarian who confirmed the dog was unable to be sent off for rabies testing due to the shot placement of the animal catcher.
The state of Texas defines a dangerous dog as either:
- makes an unprovoked attack on a person that causes bodily injury and occurs in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own; or
- commits unprovoked acts in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own and those acts cause a person to reasonably believe that the dog will attack and cause bodily injury to that person.
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