Midland Murder Trial Resumes After Covid-19 Outbreak


MIDLAND, TX –– Two weeks after the trial against David Wilson was postponed due to a Covid-19 outbreak, the jury will return to the courthouse on Wednesday.

Wilson is facing murder charges after he fatally shot Midland Police Officer Nathan Heidelberg.

In an effort to prevent new outbreaks, Midland County Judge Jeff Robnett has signed an order outlining several protocols the court will enforce.

Those entering the courtroom will "be required to have their temperatures taken before entering into the courtroom any number of entries."

The court will also offer hand sanitizers, face masks, and shields –– but they will not be mandated.

The court also announced the decision to change the presiding judge to retired Judge Tryon.

For the time being, the Midland County Courthouse will be trying cases with a smaller jury pool and be flexible for interruptions and delays.

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