SAN ANGELO,TX – Two suspects have been indicted on murder charges in the cold case homicide of Jordan Holden.
According to court documents, Raymond Andrew-Lee Rice and Patrick Stewart Jr. have been indicted by a Tom Green County grand jury in July for the 2008 murder of Jordan Holden.
According to court documents, a San Angelo Police Officer responded to a shots fired call located at 2539 West Harris Avenue at approximately 1:22 a.m. in July 2008.
(LW, JZ, CR, AB, JH are placeholders to keep anonymity of certain subjects involved.)
The responding officers at the scene located two subjects who had gunshot wounds. Investigators talked to an officer who spoke with CR and learned from the officer that LW, Jordan Holden, and JZ had entered the residence.
CR identified LW and Jordan Holden has the two victims who had been shot.
Another officer had reported that JZ told him that LW, Jordan Holden, and CR had returned to 2539 West Harris after going out for the night. LW had to enter the residence through a front window due to a key being broken off in the lock.
JZ then stated that LW was yelling that there were unknown subjects in the house. This caused both JZ and Holden to enter through the front window.
JZ stated that gunshots went off and observed two black subjects run out the open back door of the residence.
Holden was pronounced dead at Shannon Hospital due to a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
Investigators reviewed a recorded statement from AB and learned that on the night of July, 20, 2008 at approximately 1:10 a.m. a black colored sedan pulled past AB’s residence. AB observed two black male subjects exit the sedan and saw at least one subject pull on a dark colored cap or ski mask.
AB saw the two subjects walk north on Campus. After a short time AB heard gunshots then saw the two subjects return to the dark colored sedan, conduct a U-turn, and drive down Johnson Street towards Angelo State University without headlights on.
Investigators then viewed crime scene photographs from 2539 West Harris. Observed was a black toboggan lying near the couch and a black tennis shoe near the rear window that were both seized as evidence. A polo shirt one of the victims was wearing was seized as well.
The rear window of the residence had damage to the window trim and appeared to be the entry for the two unknown subjects.
Investigators also learned that cartridge cases and bullets were recovered from the scene. The cartridge cases were Cor-Bon .380 cases and the bullets were consistent with 90 grain JHP bullets used in Cor-Bon .380 cartridges.
After searching through the computerized records of the San Angelo Police Department, the investigator located an incident where JH had reported a Kel-Tac .380 was stolen. JH confirmed that the Kel-Tac .380 was loaded with Cor-Bon ammunition and that JH had taken the vehicle to Gentle Touch Car Wash, located at 2122 Parkview Drive.
Investigators transported the cartridge cases and bullets to the Texas Department of Public Safety crime lab in Lubbock, Texas. A firearm safety technician determined that the cartridge cases recovered were fired from the same firearm and that the rifling from the recovered bullets indicated they were fired from the same firearm as well. A Kel-Tac firearm was included on a list of possible firearms used at the crime scene.
Major contributors of DNA recovered from the toboggan and tennis shoe seized came from the same person. A detective requested a familial DNA search in the Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS.
A tentative comparison was made to Patrick Stewart but the DNA results were from a parent-child relationship and the detective later learned that Stewart Jr. was attending Angelo State University in 2008. After looking further the detective learned that Stewart Jr. was employed at Gentle Touch Car Wash and was working on the date the Kel-Tac firearm was reported stolen.
Investigators contacted known associates of Stewart Jr. and one had been identified as Raymond Andrew-Lee Rice. In an interview, Rice stated he knew Stewart Jr. and he was also a student at Angelo State University in 2008. Rice was provided a photo of Stewart Jr. and positively identified him. Rice voluntarily gave a DNA sample.
The detective applied for and obtained a search warrant for Stewart's DNA on November 13th, 2016 and obtained samples of Stewart’s DNA on November 15th, 2016.
Based on the findings, Stewart Jr. could not be ruled out in the case of the toboggan, tennis shoe, and polo shirt.
In Raymond Rice’s case, the polo shirt was compared to his DNA and it too supported that Rice was a possible contributor in the incident.
A mirandaized interview conducted by the detective and the Texas Ranger with Stewart Jr. taught investigators that he did not have legal access to the interior of the residence at 2539 West Harris Avenue.
Both Rice’s and Stewart Jr.’s DNA was on the polo shirt and investigators learned that the shirt had been bought that day and LW did not know either of the suspects.
Investigators also know that Stewart Jr. and Rice match the physical description of the suspects and the DNA analysis is cause to believe that Patrick Stewart Jr. and Raymond Andrew-Lee Rice were present at 2539 West Harris Avenue at the time of the incident and were involved in the altercation that resulted in the shooting death of Holden.
Stewart Jr. and Rice were arrested in Katy, Texas and Allen, Texas respectively and both have a $500,000.00 bond.
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