SAN ANGELO,TX - San Angelo LIVE! makes no assumptions or representations about guilt or innocence of anyone on the booking report. Individuals charged with crimes are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Information on the site should not be used to determine any person’s actual criminal record.
Booking report photos or mugshots are public information and no permission is necessary for them to appear in the media.
The Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office, the San Angelo Police Department and the Texas Department of Public Safety made various arrests including the following individuals.
- William Diez was arrested for POSS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY at 1:58 p.m. Diez’s bond has been set at $25,000.00.
- David Jasso was arrested for ROBBERY at 1:59 p.m. Jasso’s bond has been set at $25,000.00.
- Anthony Cobb was arrested for AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON, GOB* THEFT PROP >=$100<$750, POSSESSION DELIVERY OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, and MISC FTA x3 at 5:48 p.m. Cobb’s bond has been set at $52,268.00.
Out of the 556 beds available, there are currently 476 in use by inmates at the TGCDF as of Monday morning.
*The booking report uses an unclassified DEA Intelligence Report titled “Drug Slang Code Words” for terms meaning marijuana.*

William Diez (L), Anthony Cobb (C), David Jasso (R) (Contributed: Tom Green County Sheriff Office)
The following individuals were booked into the TGCDF on Friday, April 23,2021:
- Brandy Morris was arrested for J.N*THEFT PROP >=$100<$750, POSS CS PG 1 <1G, POSS CS PG 3 <28G, and MISC COMM X2 at 12:32 a.m. Morris’ bond has been set at $8,500.00.
- Liza Reyes was arrested for MISC COMM x6 at 2:04 a.m. and no bond has been set.
- Timothy Gallaway was arrested for GOB* POSS CS PG 1 >=1G<4G at 3:15 a.m. and no bond has been set.
- Benjamin Matta was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ at 5:16 a.m. Matta’s bond has been set at $1,000.00.
- Richard Wheeler was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION, EVADING ARREST DETENTION, OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION, and IMPEDING TRAFFIC at 12:03 p.m. Wheeler’s bond has been set at $8,876.00.
- William Diez was arrested for POSS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY at 1:58 p.m. Diez’s bond has been set at $25,000.00.
- David Jasso was arrested for ROBBERY at 1:59 p.m. Jasso’s bond has been set at $25,000.00.
- Jessie Viafranco was arrested for POSS CS PG 1 >=4G<200G at 4:18 p.m. and no bond has been set.
- Roxanne Becker was arrested for J/N* THEFT at 8:28 p.m. and no bond has been set.
- Alex Pacheco was arrested for AGG ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON, POSS CS PG 1 <1G, GJI* POSS CS PG 1 >=1G<4G, and MISC PAROLE VIOLATION at 11:36 p.m. Pacheco’s bond has been set at $60,000.00.
- Aimee Tambunga was arrested for INTERFER W/EMERGENCY REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE at 11:11 p.m. Tambunga’s bond has been set at $500.00.
- Chad Fulfs was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION at 9:12 p.m. and was released at 4:28 p.m. the next day on $462.00 bond.
- Simon Hernandez was arrested for DISPLAY FICTITIOUS MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION and MTR* POSS CS PG 1 <1G at 8:31 p.m. and was released at 6:13 p.m. on 4/25/2021 on $500.00 bond.
- Britni Dozier was arrested for DWLI, NO PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, and MISC VPTA x2 at 7:33 p.m. and was released at 1:58 a.m. the next day on $2,422.00 bond.
The following individuals were booked into the TGCDF on Saturday, April 24, 2021:
- Gloria Enriquez was arrested for BURGLARY OF HABITATION (F2) and POSS CS PG 1 >=1G<4G at 12:11 p.m. Enriquez’s bond has been set at $20,000.00.
- Kara Dowd was arrested for GOB* UNAUTH USE OF VEHICLE POSS/DEL DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, and MISC FTA x1 at 4:53 p.m. Dowd’s bond has been set at $1,264.00.
- Amber Grooms was arrested for THEFT CLASS C x2, POSS CS PG 1 <1G, POSSESSION/DELIVERY OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, RPR*CRIMINAL TRESPASS, and MISC FTA x5 at 6:07 p.m. Grooms’ bond has been set at $14,987.00.
- Jimmy Acosta was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ, MTR* POSS CS PG 1 >=4G<200G, and RPR* FAIL TO IDENTIFY FUGITIVE INTENT GIVE FALSE INFO at 8:49 p.m. Acosta’s bond has been set at $1,000.00.
- David Perez was arrested for ASSAULT OF PREGNANT PERSON, FAIL TO DISPLAY DRIVER LICENSE, NO PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, MISC FTA x1, and MISC VPTA x2 at 5:36 a.m. and was released at 1:43 p.m. the same day on $13,006.00 bond.
- Jordyn Graves was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION at 2:31 a.m. and was released at 1:58 p.m. the same day on $462.00 bond.
- Jaylyn Graves was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION at 2:33 a.m. and was released at 1:58 p.m. the same day on $462.00 bond.
- Larry Lawrence was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ and POSS DANGEROUS DRUG at 3:13 p.m. and was released at 4:58 p.m. the same day on $2,000.00 bond.
- Haley Pruit was arrested for ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE at 1:21 a.m. and was released at 6:58 p.m. the same day on $7,500.00 bond.
- Ryan Haltom was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 8:02 p.m. and was released at 1:28 p.m. the next day on $2,500.00 bond.
- Maria Reyes was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 11:02 p.m. and was released at 2:13 p.m. the next day on $2,500.00 bond.
- Jonathan Click was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 11:26 p.m. and was released at 2:13 p.m. the next day on $2,500.00 bond.
- Jacob Santana was arrested for MISC FORGERY FINANCIAL at 12:18 p.m. and was released at 5:58 p.m. the next day on $1,000.00 bond.
- Melinda Rios was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE at 10:08 p.m. and was released at 6:13 p.m. the next day on $15,000.00 bond.
- Jaxon Muller was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ at 1:30 a.m. and was released at 5:13 a.m. the same day on $1,000.00 bond.
- Efrain Castaneda was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ at 1:28 a.m. and was released at 5:13 a.m. the same day on $1,000.00 bond.
- Joshua Locklear was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ at 12:20 a.m. and was released at 5:13 a.m. the same day on $1,000.00 bond.
The following individuals were booked into the TGCDF on Sunday, April 25, 2021:
- Charles Marques was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED W/CHILD UNDER 15 YOA at 3:03 a.m.
- Isiah Galindo was arrested for THEFT OF FIREARM and POSS/DEL DRUG PARAPHERNALIA at 3:45 a.m. Galindo’s bond has been set at $662.00.
- Janiva Herrera was arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ and POSS CS PG 2 <1G at 4:54 p.m. Herrera’s bond has been set at $8,500.00.
- Anthony Cobb was arrested for AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON, GOB* THEFT PROP >=$100<$750, POSSESSION DELIVERY OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, and MISC FTA x3 at 5:48 p.m. Cobb’s bond has been set at $52,268.00.
- Baldemar Fernandez was arrested for ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE and THEFT PROP >=$100<$750 at 6:27 p.m. Fernandez’s bond has been set at $2,500.00.
- Tammy Ramon was arrested for GOB* POSS CS PG 1 <1G at 8:16 p.m. and no bond has been set.
- Heather Herrera was arrested for RESIST ARREST SEARCH OR TRANSPORT and CRIMINAL TRESPASS at 9:10 p.m. Herrera’s bond has been set at $1,000.00.
- Nevada Pierce was arrested for POSS CS PG 1 <1G DFZ IAT at 11:57 p.m. Pierce’s bond has been set at $2,000.00.
- Robert Sadler was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 3:18 a.m. and was released at 12:28 p.m. the same day on $1,500.00 bond.
- Melanie Flores was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 2:13 a.m. and was released at 1:28 p.m. the same day on $1,500.00 bond.
- Armondo Villarreal was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED at 1:19 a.m. and was released at 1:43 p.m. the same day on $1,500.00 bond.
- Robert Neves was arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED and RECKLESS DRIVING at 3:34 a.m. and was released at 1:43 p.m. the same day on $2,000.00 bond.
- Lisa Clemons was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION and DOC-AFFRAY at 3:35 a.m. and was released at 1:58 p.m. the same day on $924.00 bond.
- Magdalene Rodriguez was arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION and DISORDERLY CONDUCT- FIGHTING at 3:27 a.m. and was released at 2:43 p.m. the same day on $924.00 bond.
- Andrea Bazan was arrested for DC- FIGHTING and PUBLIC INTOXICATION at 3:29 a.m. and was released at 2:43 p.m. the same day on $924.00 bond.
- Rema Weriwoh was arrested for POSS CS PG 2 <1G at 4:01 a.m. and was released at 8:28 p.m. the same day on $7,500.00 bond.
- Nicholas Martin was arrested for POSS CS PG 2 >=4G<400G at 9:45 p.m. and was released at 11:58 p.m. the same day on $6,000.00 bond.
The following is a key for the above abbreviations:
- MISC- Miscellaneous
- VOP- Violation of Parole
- GOB- Going off Bond
- VPTA- Violation Promise to Appear
- GJI- Grand Jury Indictment
- COMM- Commuted Sentence
- RPR- Released of Personal Recognizance
- CPF- Capias Pro Fine
- J/N- Judgement NISI
- ICE- Immigration Custom Enforcement
- TDCJ- Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- DWLI- Driving While License Invalid
- POSS MARIJ- Possession of Marijuana
- DWI- Driving While Intoxicated
- MAN DEL CS PG- Manufacture and Delivery of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group
- MO- Magistrate’s Order
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