Cartels Create Meth Crisis at the Border


LAREDO, TX—U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO) officers at the Laredo Port of Entry seized methamphetamine that totaled over $24 million in street value.

 “The nation continues to experience an epidemic of drug trafficking and drug dependence. Nevertheless, as this massive methamphetamine seizure illustrates, our frontline CBP officers maintain heightened vigilance and bring all of our high tech tools and resources to bear against criminal organizations attempting to smuggle contraband into the United States,” said Acting Port Director Eugene Crawford, Laredo Port of Entry.

The enforcement action occurred on Wednesday, March 3rd, when CBP officers assigned to the cargo facility encountered a tractor manifesting a shipment of acrylic paint arriving from Mexico. The 2014 Kenworth tractor and shipment were referred for a canine and non-intrusive imaging system inspection, resulting in the discovery of 28 containers filled with 1234.58 pounds of alleged methamphetamine within the shipment.

The narcotics have an estimated street value of $24,691,520.

CBP officers seized the narcotics. The case was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations (ICE-HSI) special agents for further investigation.

1,234 pounds of meth seized.  (Contributed/CBP)

1,234 pounds of meth seized.  (Contributed/CBP)

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CGM5, Fri, 03/05/2021 - 17:23

Gee, if we only had a border wall or something! Once again, THANK YOU President biden.

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