Violent Stabbing in East San Angelo Sends Victims to Hospital


SAN ANGELO, TX – Several people were hospitalized on Thursday after a man stabbed multiple people on the East Side of San Angelo.

According to SAPD officers on scene, on Feb. 4 at around 8 p.m., officers with the San Angelo Police Department were dispatched to the 300 block of W. Ave. S for the report of a stabbing.

Below is a video of the scene:

When officers arrived they found a number of stabbing victims who had been injured during an aggravated assault.

The San Angelo EMS and Fire were dispatched to the scene and several victims were taken to Shannon for non-life threatening injuries.

SAPD told reporters on scene that the residence was secure and that they believed they had the suspect in custody. They went on to say that CID detectives were responding to their location.

Reporters claim that officers apprehended the suspect in the back yard of the residence.

Police say the man in custody will be charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. 

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