Investigation Continues Into the Death of Haley Martinez


COLORADO CITY, TX — The investigation into the death of 16-year-old of Haley Martinez continues as authorities try to determine if she was murdered. At the beginning of the investigation, police believed Martinez had died of a drug overdose.

According to KTXS, on May 26, Haley was found dead at a residence on College Street in Colorado City. Three people were arrested in connection with her death.

"We are doing more interviews and waiting on the autopsy results," said Police Chief Charles Rice. "We're investigating her death to see if it's murder."

Kenneth Ray Green and Amanda Harkins were charged with tampering with evidence after police say they changed her clothes and moved her body.

“That's one of the suspicious things that led us to the autopsy," said Rice.

Nick Rodriguez was charged with assaulting Haley three days before her body was found. According to police, Haley had filed a report with the Mitchell County Sheriff's Office a week before her death.

Haley’s mom was sent to prison in February and according to police, she had been staying with her grandmother and other acquaintances.

The Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office is conducting Haley’s autopsy.

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