Convicted Murderer Sentenced for Slaying in Bar Fight


ABILENE, TX – Eusabio Jose Perez, Jr. was sentenced to 75 years after a bar fight turned into a deadly shooting in January of 2018

The 21-year-old had an argument with Adrian Jasso then after leaving the bar he went to his car, grabbed a gun, and fired one shot through the glass front door of the MC Sports Bar and Taqueria.

According to KTXS, when police questioned Perez, he said "I know I'm going to prison anyway. F---k it. I shot the motherf---er."

Surveillance video showed Perez fire one shot that hit Jasso in the head. The victim was pronounced dead on arrival at Hendrick Medical Center. 

After the sentencing, Jasso's teary-eyed sister said "we got justice for my brother. That's what we came here to do."

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