SAN ANGELO, TX -- A Tom Green County jury deliberated about two hours before finding Chelsea Jo Strube guilty of arson Friday evening after a week long trial. 

Our reporter in the courtroom said Strube looked straight forward as visiting Senior District Judge Brock Jones read the verdict.  Her defense attorney Gonzalo Rios seemed to be agitated. 

District Attorney Allison Palmer who prosecuted the case seemed pleased with the verdict.  

The jury began deliberating at 3:46 p.m. after an hour of closing arguments in which Palmer reviewed evidence showing Strube admitted to being in the Deadhorse parking lot the night Shelby Siler's car was set on fire but didn't totally burn down.  Witnesses drove to the Texas Theatre on the night of Sept. 8, 2015 and reported to San Angelo Police officers there that there was a car fire in the Deadhorse Bar parking lot. A  firefighter testified he pulled a burning rag out of the gas tank filler tube preventing the vehicle from burning. 

Rios spent hours and hours focusing on the 911 calls Strube made about seeing an intruder at the Texas Theatre on the night of Sept. 8, 2015.  The 911 calls place Strube in downtown San Angelo one block from the Deadhorse Bar parking lot where the arson took place.  

Videos from two San Angelo Police cars appeared to show vehicles driving out of the ally between the former Tarpley Music building and the Deadhorse parking lot.  

In the final day of the trial, Rios put private investigator Jesse Calloway on the stand.  Rios spent hours using multiple photographs attempting to convince the jury that the car in the video obtained from the O.C. Fisher Federal Courthouse on Twohig St. showed a vehicle leaving a parking lot and not the alley.  Earlier testimony from the witness who reported the fire to officers showed Strube's Ford Mustang exited the alley.  

Rios told jurors in his 30 minute closing argument that investigators lifted fingerprints from the fire damaged car near the gas tank filler.  Palmer reminded jurors that Strube was wearing rubber kitchen gloves which were entered as evidence so there would be no finger prints.  

As for the Big Bag of Crazy, Rios attempted to convince jurors that Crime Scene Investigators placed items in that bag.  Palmer reminded jurors that CSI personnel photographed the items in the bag in Strube's Mustang as they were. Palmer said in closing that bag made it easy to carry items needed to start the car fire in the Deadhorse parking lot and then back to where Strube's Mustang was parked.  

The seven men and five women on the jury apparently believed D.A. Palmer and found Strube guilty of second degree felony arson. 

After the jury found Stube guilty, Judge Jones sent the jury home for the weekend.  The punishment phase of the trial will begin on Monday at 9 a.m.

Strube is facing two to 20 years in prison, restitution and a fine of up to $10,000. 


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All because of some guy who supposedly cheated on her, she chose to ruin her life. Jesus, why can’t people just move on and find someone better in life.

Oscar Wilde, in his essay "The Decay Of Lying", claimed that contrary to popular belief, that LIFE more often imitates ART, more so than art seeks to imitate life.

Art, in it's many forms, carries with it the power to influence, persuade and inspire people to adopt idealized mores and mimic romanticized, picturesque notions of fanciful, popular depictions of life. These chimerical standards are of no shortage within the misandrist themes which saturate mainstream media and advertising, in effect, indoctrinating young women into the counterproductive and borderline criminal mindset of radical feminist entitlement.

One example among the myriad of "girl power" bullshit which mainstream media are continuously bombarding us with, is a commercial for DirectTV, in which a disgruntled young woman is seen hurling her predictably befuddled and sheepish boyfriend's belongings out of a two story window. Hilarious, right? The commercial's selling point, is "getting rid of things", specifically the need for cable TV service, however somehow felt the need to cater to the femi-nazis and other embittered sows, whose failed relationships are, of course, the fault of these snowflake male lapdogs, whose only demonstrable talents are awaiting reluctant approval, or psychotic tirades from their deified female counterparts.

The perfect litmus test, for which behaviors acted out between the sexes in media or pop culture, should be considered acceptable, is to hypothetically reverse the roles (e.g. "Would the scenario be considered as humorous, had an angry boyfriend been depicted hurling his weeping girlfriend's belongings out of an apartment window?").

In a culture where misandry is not only encouraged, but praised, and lauded as "female empowerment", it's no wonder that jaded women like this "crazy-bag" bitch carry themselves with an air of self importance and entitlement. Her actions that evening could've destroyed countless lives, however, the ire she directed towards whatever piece of ass her boyfriend suddenly preferred over hers, took precedence over the catastrophic consequences which could've taken place that day.

Strube wasn't acting in self defense, of an immediate threat posed by her ex-boyfriend or his new love interest, she reverted to daddy's pathological tantrum throwing little princess, whose only barometer of discretion was the ever present estrogen-fueled, hormonal surges, common among women of this ilk -- acting upon delusory emotional impulses, rather than utilizing reason.

"You go girl!"

....straight to prison, hopefully

I am so sick of hearing this called the big bag of crazy. The only bag is a canvas one. With all this drama there are humans involved. I would not make any judgements based on a guilty verdict. If you were not in the courtroom for any or all of the trial for there for the closing arguments you have not clue what you are talking about. So unless you can say you were there for any of it remember you are talking about a person that you probably know nothing about .

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