San Angelo Man Arrested For Smashing Car Window with Bat at McDonald's


At approximately 12:10 p.m. today, San Angelo Police responded to a parking lot rage incident at McDonald's at 520 N Bryant Blvd. A male suspect, identified as 41-year-old Mark Lebeau Hawkins of San Angelo, attacked an occupied car with a baseball bat. 

Officer Tracy Gonzalez, public information officer for SAPD, said a nearby officer working traffic enforcement responded and immediately located an SUV that matched the description of the suspect’s vehicle. Hawkins, who matched the suspect’s description, occupied the vehicle.

"[Hawkins] was ordered out of the vehicle and detained in handcuffs for Officer Safety as backup units arrived on scene," said Gonzalez.

Parking lot rage (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

She added that Hawkins refused to cooperate with the officers, attempted to pull away from them, and intentionally blew his lit cigar smoke in the officers' faces. When one officer removed Hawkins's lit cigar for safety purposes, the man threatened the officer and spit on the officer’s face.

"Detectives responded to the location and learned that prior to police arrival, a young couple and their two children, ages 8 and 3, were driving in the McDonald’s parking lot when Hawkins began to back out of a parking space, almost hitting their vehicle," said Gonzalez. "The victim honked his horn in an effort to alert Hawkins and prevent a collision. At some point, Hawkins parked his vehicle and approached the victim’s vehicle while carrying a baseball bat." 

Hawkins then repeatedly struck the victim’s back window, causing the glass to shatter onto the victim’s children who were seated in the back seat. Hawkins proceeded to smash the driver’s side window, narrowly missing the victim. 

"The victim fled the scene in the vehicle, fearing for the safety of his family and called 9-1-1 from a nearby location," stated Gonzalez. "The children received minor injuries from the broken glass but did not require medical treatment." 

Hawkins was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Harassment on a Public Servant.

This is Hawkins' 9th arrest in Tom Green County.

Previous Story

At approximately 12:15 p.m. today, San Angelo Police responded to a parking lot rage incident at McDonald's on Bryant Blvd.

Apparently, a man driving a black Chevy Trailblazer smashed out the windows of a car with a baseball bat. This man was in a rage over honking that took place during the crowded lunch hour.

Parking Lot Rage (LIVE! Photo/Cameron Niblock)

There were two children in the back seat of the car who received minor cuts. 

According to officers at the scene, there is more involved in this case, so a press release will be issued with more details. We will provide an update once that's received.

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Wielding a baseball bat in a threatening manor is a threat of "serious bodily injury". He's lucky he wasn't shot and killed. Very lucky!

Listed By: flight watch

The person that was honking so much that they sent the bat weilding person into a rage was lucky they didn't get killed. It's a burger people.

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They were trying to keep the guy from backing into their vehicle.

Listed By: roger meacham

There was a name change in the middle of the story. Changed to Hawkins?????

Listed By: Brandy Ramirez

Yes, it was an oversight. I didn't have my glasses and missed Hawkins in the update. I just put the first and middle name. No glasses = not good :). It's been corrected. 


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