12 Malnourished Horses Rescued


Today, the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office rescued 12 malnourished horses off a property of US 67 South.

According to a press release, Deputies with Tom Green County Criminal Investigation Division and Special Rangers with the Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association initiated an investigation into the alleged animal cruelty. They met with the owner of the horses, 65-year-old Brenda Luellen, and investigators, along with a local veterinarian, determined the animals were severely malnourished. The condition of the horses was severe enough to get a court order to seize the horses.

Today, TGCSO issued an order to seize 12 horses from the property. The order was issued by Justice of the Peace Eddie Howard.

"Investigators seized nine mares and three foals," said TGCSO. "The horses were taken to a local veterinarian who will rehabilitate and care for the horses until the conclusion of the legal proceedings."

TGCSO said the investigation is ongoing, and will be presented to the district attorney's office for prosecution. Luellen may face charges for Cruelty to Livestock Animals, a state jail felony if previously convicted under section 42.092 of the Texas State Penal Code.  

Palmer Feed & Ranch Supply is assisting the rehabilitation of these animals. If anyone is interested in helping with that rehabilitation, the can make contributions at the store located at 1318 N. Chadbourne St.

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Sigman, Thu, 07/21/2016 - 20:21

Their is nothing that angers me more so than to read or hear about animal cruelty. In my opinion, those responsible should face the exact type of cruelty that the animals had to go through, if found guilty,....PERIOD! As humans, we should have enough sense to seek assistance whenever faced with a situation that might place any animal in this type of situation. However, not knowing all the circumstances surrounding this incident I will wait until further details are made available to us. I AM ASKING THAT SA LIVE KEEP US POSTED ON THE OUTCOME OF THIS INVESTIGATION! The owner of those horses is an elderly person and while his/her actions are inexcusable, they are entitled to explain why this happened. I ask that those reading this rants make donations to Palmer Feed & Ranch Supply to offset their care until new homes can be found for them. This is really sad! "MY BOILING POINT"

I agree 100%! I just told my husband that they should be done the same way they did those horses right before I read your comment. I will wait to hear the investigators and GJ though. Praying justice be done if they are proven guilty! Soo upsetting....

Sigman, Sat, 07/23/2016 - 14:08

Kate Jewell, the "Tom Green Green Judicial Records" website is down for upgrades this past week. Yes, you are correct in that this is not this "animal abuser's" first offense. She was arrested a few years back for the issue with the dogs. I don't understand how it is that she can even be allowed near an animal! I stopped by Palmer Feed Supply this morning and spoke with an employee who accepted my donation towards the care of those horses. The horses are being cared for and I'm sure that they will not be returned back to this animal abuser! Hopefully, our Judges will now see that this incompetent fool needs to spend some time in jail! "REPEAT OFFENDER"

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