San Angelo Man Possibly Stabbed By Juveniles


At around 8:00 p.m. this evening, the San Angelo Police Department responded to a possible stabbing at 14th St. and Volney.

A man in his mid-30s was walking down the street when three juvenile males saw him and began attacking him. Allegedly, the victim dated one of the suspect's mother. No more was said on that reasoning or cause.

Possible Stabbing

Officer Butch James, with the SAPD said, “All we know right now is that the suspects punched him, but we do not know if a knife was present because no witnesses saw a blade.”

The victim flagged down a passerby to help him and call the police. The victim was cut, but refused to go to the hospital. His head and arm were bleeding, but he suffered no serious injuries. The car of the individual who stopped to help also had minor scratches due to the scuffle.

James said the juveniles were running but didn’t get far. They were stopped by police and taken back to the scene where they were detained during the investigation.

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