San Angelo Man Gets 30 Years in Prison for Crime of Passion


Today, a 37-year-old San Angelo man pled guilty to "Burglary of a Habitation committing Aggravated Assault," and received an extensive prison term for his actions.

This morning, Marco Valdez, who appeared before Judge Gossett to plead his guilt to the first-degree felony charges against him, received 30 years of confinement in the TDCJ-ID. The range of punishment for the offenses against him included 10 years of probation, or 5 to 99 years TDCJ-ID and up to a $10,000 fine.

According to the original complaint, Valdez, on Dec. 14, 2014, intentionally and knowingly entered his estranged wife’s home in the 1600 block of Walnut and assaulted a man at the residence. When police arrived, they found the victim, Philip Spruell, badly beaten. They also located Valdez. Valdez’s wife, Lisa Valdez, told officials she and Marco were married but separated, and the home she rented was in her name only. He did not have permission to enter her home.

Valdez also told officers Spruell was at her home because he was too intoxicated to drive home and asked to stay over night. When Marco showed up that night at her house, she met him outside and locked the front door because she knew there would be trouble. When Marco asked his wife who she had in her home, she said no one. However, he did not believe her and forcefully made his way into the house and began assaulting Spruell.

Police attempted to interview Spruell as well, but because of his injuries, they could not get a verbal statement. He had several fractures/breaks on his facial area, the report stated.

“I want to commend the work of the San Angelo Police Department for their investigation,” said Assistant District Attorney Jason Ferguson, who prosecuted the case. “Because of the job they did, there was no doubt about the Defendant’s guilt; because of their quick response to the scene, the victim was able to be transported to the emergency room for immediate assistance.”

Ferguson said the Defendant argued that because he had no criminal history, probation was appropriate. In review of his record, Valdez had a minor run in with police as a minor and was arrested in 2000 for expired registration and no insurance. This incident was indeed his first major run-in with the law.

“However, due to the extensive and severe injuries of the victim, which will continue to require years of rehabilitation and future surgeries, we asked the Court to sentence the Defendant to prison,” Ferguson stated.

Ferguson’s request was heard.

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BigT23, Tue, 03/01/2016 - 18:43

30 years doesn't do justice, people that can do something like this deserve not to see the light of day. Prison will do its justice, he has a pretty mouth :0

You're mistaken. Judge Gossett did NOT preside over the case in which the pedophile walked.

I am not saying this guy didn't deserve the 30 years, but for Mr. Ferguson to plea bargain no jail time for a child predator, still really upsets me. He is all about his score card of convictions.

I use to be a citizen of San Angelo, Texas this is where I spent my childhood, teenage, and early adult years. I was part of the lower income side of city; to me it was the greatest city. Today I sit and look back what San Angelo is and what it has always been with constant discrimination against lower and middle class society I am disgusted and furious how the politics have not changed. Racism still exists and blind justice is a thing of the past. To succeed in this city from what I personally see and gather from statistics it is practically impossible. I urge city leaders to go to neighborhoods in the Southside Barrio, north side and walk the streets there is so much turmoil with drugs that children are no longer safe to play. The school systems pass these children through because they need more attention with all the money SAISD has and they are still setting up lower income families up for failure by pushing them up and putting them under the ADHD umbrella. I know this I experienced it firsthand I watched people fall into drugs they were not bad people but because they did not have either parents or any kind of support from anyone else except from the wrong people. Now they become a statistic in prison or nonfunctioning member of society, city leaders how are you going to change and make a better place if you do not invest in the city. The justice system is assbackwards I read on San Angelo live the district attorney Ferguson lets a pedophile walk. I read another of member of society get 30 years for breaking and entering and aggravated assault. I am not condoning this but I look into the story what investigation took place that san Angelo live gives commendation for good work. This is a crime of passion this man has never had any priors the punishment does not fit the crime. Yes punish him but there is more than one person involved this crime. This goes again to the district attorney and editor of this newspaper what are you doing about justice Thomas Boden walks with a slap on the wrist and is a freeman. Is it his social status or that he is of Anglo descent? Angelo news why not talk about what the city is doing to bring him back to justice why not question city leaders. City leaders what kind of judge sits behind the bench? Appointed lawyers what is your job to defend or let people parish because they can’t afford to pay you. To the people of San Angelo why is there not an uproar happening. This is your city if you don’t change it no one will. Your sons and daughters will continue to be set up for failure to upper class who hides in there suburbs it will only be a matter of time if you do not get involved that crack heads that you call will be at your door spreading through your neighborhoods by that time it will be too late. What if it is your child who a horrible crime happens too and you sit as the perpetrator walks away? Again to the people of San Angelo if you do not come together and create change there will be no change to create in the future.

Hooray for justice! I'm glad to see that this criminal will get what he deserves! The poor young man that took the horrific beating will hopefully be able to heal from this mentally. His injuries will take some time to overcome but at least he'll have some peace of mind that this scum is off the streets! I hope that Valdez will have to look over his shoulder while he's in prison!

In response to District Attorney: You are absolutely right sir. The "Good ol' boy" system is alive & well and utilized daily here in San Angelo / Tom Green County. There was a song by Charlie Daniels that said: "There's crooked politicians and crime in the streets" I wonder if he knew he was singing about San Angelo /Tom Green County. It all comes down to this: What's your last name, what's your or your family's yearly income, and are you or a family member in good standing with the "Goood ol' boy" society. This is what determines people's fate around here. As far as city leaders going into lower income neighborhoods. Forget about that. Those aren't the people they care about. It's an ugly truth, but it's still the truth. The school system is only concerned with the children who make them look good the "golden ones" the ones that could basically teach them selves and require very little effort. However, the others who have learning differences are just too much trouble and shoved through. The sad truth is that there are good teachers out there who have proven curriculum's that can help these children but they are not allowed to use them. Until we get citizens from all economic levels to vote and put people in office who are willing to stand up for what's right and defend our constitution we are going to continue to have problems. We don't need people in office who are there to satisfy their and their supporters agendas. We cannot continue to stand idle and let the "elite groups" determine our future. Change starts with each and every one of us. We must educate ourselves and vote. Republican, Democrat, Red, Blue, Donkey, Elephant, whatever! Vote AMERICAN, Red, White, and Blue and pick the best person for the job and we'll all be better off.

So, we have monsters who attack and molest children and cause lifelong trauma and Ferguson makes deals to let them walk but sends this guy up for 30 years???
Punishment is necessary and deserved. He beat the guy up and needs to answer for it but 30 years??
“However, due to the extensive and severe injuries of the victim, which will continue to require years of rehabilitation and future surgeries, we asked the Court to sentence the Defendant to prison,” Ferguson stated.----REALLY ??? what about the life long scars that the children live with that you didn't even give them justice for?? You should be ashamed, stripped of your license and ran out of town. You are a disgrace and so is anyone who condones your ethics.
I grew up here when it was a great place to live and always thought I'd remain here. I've lived in other cities but came "home" as soon as I could. This town is fast becoming however, somewhere I think might be best viewed in a rear view mirror.

WellSeemLikeBS, Fri, 03/04/2016 - 12:50

Congratulations on being the reason our society is a complete and utter disaster.

Ms. Moore, you have absolutely no basis, nor the right, to assert that the beating received by Mr. Spruell did not warrant 30 years. The 22 years old has been a life-long friend of my son. When I was at an event with him after this occurred (and I was unaware of the assault at the time), I did not recognize him. His face was not just injured by this monster, it was inexplicably deformed in a way you cannot imagine until you've seen it. No matter how much surgery he receives he will never be normal again. He was as close to death as someone can be, and only by the actions of our amazing police officers and EMTs was he saved. There is no way any amount of time in jail an justify treating any living thing in that manner. You should be ashamed of using someone else's misfortune to further your views. If you're upset about previous cases that's fine, but know your facts before you make assumptions.

First off, this it's an opinion page. You don't have to agree with any of them but everyones is just as valid as yours.
secondly, you took one line out of my entire post and decided to judge me. my entire post is about how unfair the sentences are for the monsters praying on and molesting children in this town. 30 years may be exactly warranted maybe even more, but my point was in comparison to the probation and barely 10 years that the Predators have received this sentence seems harsh. I believe the Predators should be getting 50 to life and if those kind of sentences were being handed down this 30 years would be wanted and maybe even light.
until you've had a child that has been prayed upon by one of these predators that has received a joke of a light sentence, do not judge my feelings on the subject. I in no way used to this man's injuries to further my views, that sentence doesn't even make sense. as far as knowing any facts that also doesn't hold merit. everyone who stated opinions here had the same facts of the article to go bye. again my post was that Ferguson should be ashamed and disbarred for allowing such light sentences of pedophiles and sexual predators. again sorry if you do not like my opinion but again this is an opinion column.

After reading the head line and thinking about it for a long time , it surprises me that people are complaining about the heavy handed sentence handed down , by the kangaroo court judge . This is nothing new to San Angelo , it's always been a case of who you are in this town . That has always been the rule here in San Angelo . To tell the truth that is the same way all over this country . There are many good people here that want equal justice for every one , but the old judicial justice system is alive and thriving here . I hate to open old wounds just to prove my point , but i remember several years back . A man walked into his house and found a man helping his wife pack , so that she could leave her husband . The man hid in the shower , the guy shot him in the back , yes that's what i said , shot him in the back . The shooter is still a free man , still carrying a firearm . The irony here is that this same woman , shacked up with another man , just shortly after the cold blooded cowardly murder occurred . I offer my condolences to all of the victims of child sexual abuse , please seek therapy . Again if you do not find justice in the courts , its for the same reason . The good ol' boys are in charge . Let me be the first to say , I hope Mr. Spruell recovers fully from his injuries . It was a serious crime , and punishment was due . I have no problem with the sentence , the problem is , is it fair to other victims . Is justice carried out solely on the crime or who you are . Let us continue if the courts do not hand down sentences that are sufficient for the crime or to harsh for the crime , then i highly recommend that you do something about it . Quit whining and vote , vote , vote , you can make a difference . Oh yes before i forget , all of you Obama haters , who are probably rushing to the bank to cash your income tax refund checks , remember , if not for the president , you would not be getting a dime . The republicans you elected to congress were going to take it away . If not for the president , you would not be getting a penny , you would probably owe money . Well enough hot air , need i say more , time for the morlocks who can't make sense of anything , to respond .

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