Nine San Angelo Men Arrested for Online Solicitation for Sex With Minors


Investigators from Texas DPS and the San Angelo Police Department arrested nine San Angelo men during a week-long investigation involving the online solicitation of minors. The Texas DPS Criminal Investigative Division and the San Angelo Police Department Special Operations Section joined forces to stop the individuals who were allegedly targeting local children. 

The investigators used common, everyday technology (cell phones / computers) to find and capture predators looking for young girls, police said. According to the SAPD press release, with the arrests, the investigation also included three search warrants and the seizure of multiple electronic communication devices.  All those arrested believed they were interacting with local children younger than 15, police said.

Here is who was arrested:

  • Terry Freeman (10/31/70)
  • Jose Quiroz (01/14/87)
  • David Garcia (08/16/70)
  • Dakota Flores (06/12/92)
  • Jose Hernandez (03/25/90)
  • David Pullin (11/25/66)
  • Stephen Marburger (08/29/74)
  • James Hoy (04/13/64)
  • David Kiser (04/28/61)

About Online Solicitation: An adult (17 or older) commits an offense if he/she has communication of a sexually explicit manner with a minor (younger than 17) or who he/she believes is a minor over the internet and solicits a meeting to engage in sexual contact/intercourse. This communication can be made by electronic mail, text, message system, or other online services. This offense is third degree felony.

Police said that with the popularity of social media and the availability of cell phones, tablets, and computers, our children are at risk of being preyed upon anywhere at any time. Present day technology, while convenient, often presents dangers to our children that will often go unnoticed, is misunderstood, or seems harmless, police said in a press release.  The investigators of both the DPS and SAPD said that they want everyone to know the dangers that are present here in San Angelo. "The arrests made during this investigation remind both law enforcement and parents to remain vigilant in the fight to keep our children safe," the release said. For more information please visit the Texas Attorney General Webpage at

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I guess this is a frequent annoyance of a having common surname with an even more common first name, There are at least four D. Garcias in San Angelo I have seen listed owning property. I wonder how many other D. Garcias exist in this town. The annoyance steps another level when gossipers start bothering my family with questions.
You are correct Mr. Garcia. The media publishes the names of scofflaws and criminals that are common to other law-abiding people and it causes undue hardships for the innocent. As a result, the threats, aggravating mail and social media posts come out of the woodwork from those that wish ill will against the wrong people.
If I was Central Texas Reality I would not want a picture of my staff in the middle of the article about the nine people who were arrested for solicitation of sex with minors. When I first saw this picture I thought it was of the people arrested. Instead it was an ad. I think the person who formatted this page should be more careful and use a little common sense

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