UPDATE: Three Structure Fires Reported in an Hour in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX - First responders were dispatched to three different structure fires Thursday afternoon. 

The first one was reported around 1 p.m. in the Bentwood neighborhood. No injuries were reported, and the fire was handled quickly. 

Shortly after, another fire was called in the 1800 block of Martin Luther King Drive. Only one firetruck was present and no active fire was witnessed. 

Then, just about the same time, first responders were dispatched to another structure fire, this one at Santa Fe Furniture, 1524 S. Bryant Blvd. A video provided by a reader showed flames and smoke emerging from the roof of the furniture store. 

This fire was also contained quickly, and no injuries were reported. 

San Angelo Fire Chief Patrick Brody said a preliminary investigation suggested the fire at Santa Fe Furniture may have been caused due to an electrical issue.

The San Angelo Police Department sent out a Nixel alert just before 2 p.m. telling the public to avoid the area near the intersection of South Bryant Boulevard and Avenue L due to police and fire activity in the area. 

Picture shows structure fire in San Angelo

Picture shows structure fire in San Angelo

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