Houston Trucker Killed After Semi Overturns in Nolan County Crash


NOLAN COUNTY, TX – A Houston truck driver died Thursday morning after his semi-truck overturned following a crash on State Highway 153, authorities said.

The Texas Department of Public Safety reported that 25-year-old Cesar Josevan Espinosa Manso was driving a 2017 Peterbilt truck towing a semi-trailer when he failed to control his speed and crashed into the rear of a towed vehicle attached to a 2020 Kenworth dump truck. The impact caused his truck to overturn into a ditch and jackknife in the middle of the highway.

The crash happened at about 8:15 a.m., roughly 300 feet southeast of County Road 196, in a construction zone where the speed limit was 65 mph. Dense fog was reported in the area at the time.

Espinosa Manso was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver of the second vehicle, 60-year-old Todd Gregory Bollinger of Roscoe, was not injured.

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