Vehicle Fire Contained by Wall Volunteer Fire Department Early This Morning


WALL, TX – Early this morning, at 5:56 a.m., the Wall Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) responded to a vehicle fire on FM 1223. Wall 107 was the first unit on the scene and immediately initiated a fire attack. Additional resources from Wall VFD arrived shortly after to assist in the suppression efforts.

Thanks to the swift and coordinated actions of the firefighters, the blaze was successfully contained. After the fire was extinguished, crews transitioned into a mop-up operation, meticulously ensuring that all hot spots were fully extinguished to prevent any reignition.

No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Early this morning, at 5:56 a.m., the Wall Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) responded to a vehicle fire on FM 1223.

Early this morning (Sept 13, 2024), at 5:56 a.m., the Wall Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) responded to a vehicle fire on FM 1223.

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