WATCH: Escalade Crunched in Lunchtime Crash


SAN ANGELO, TX — A two-vehicle crash at Creekside and Knickerbocker Road sent one person to the hospital.

It happened around 12:20 p.m. today when a two-vehicle crash was called at the intersection of Creekside and Knickerbocker Road. Scanner reports indicated that one occupant was trapped inside one of the vehicles.

According to San Angelo police, a white Cadillac Escalade was leaving private property attempting to go left and head west on Knickerbocker Road and a Ford Ranger was heading east.

The white Escalade failed to yield the right of way leaving private property and was struck by the Ford Ranger. There were two occupants in each vehicle and one individual went to the hospital.

The Cadillac was cited for failure to yield the right of way.

Also, scanner reports indicated that one occupant was trapped inside one of the vehicles. Officers on the scene said that one of the occupants was having trouble opening the door and no actions had to be taken to remove that occupant from the vehicle.

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