Wine Truck Takes a Spill in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX – A box truck transporting a load of wine hydroplaned and rolled over near the intersection of FM 2288 and Bison Trail this morning, slowing traffic in the area.

It happened around 9:15 a.m. when the truck lost control while navigating a turn on the wet roadway. 

The truck was occupied by a male driver and his dog, both of whom escaped without injury.

Traffic was reduced to one lane as officials responded to the scene.

Wine Truck Takes a Spill in San Angelo

Wine Truck Takes a Spill in San Angelo

Box Truck Carrying Wine Overturns on Wet San Angelo Road

Box Truck Carrying Wine Overturns on Wet San Angelo Road

Box Truck Carrying Wine Overturns on Wet San Angelo Road

Box Truck Carrying Wine Overturns on Wet San Angelo Road

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