Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch


SAN ANGELO, TX – A dark blue Nissan Altima reportedly clipped the rear end of an Infiniti SUV, causing it to spin out of control and crash into a stop sign at the intersection of US 277 and Old Ballinger Highway. The Altima flattened the stop sign for eastbound traffic on Old Ballinger Highway.

The incident occurred at 6 p.m. under clear weather conditions with dry roadways. The speed limit on US 277 right there is 55 mph. Both vehicles involved were towed from the scene. Notably, the ambulance left without using sirens or lights, suggesting no serious injuries were sustained.

The intersection was cleared by 7:15 p.m.

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

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