2 Cars Collide on US 87 in Grape Creek


SAN ANGELO, TX — Texas DPS is investigating a two-car crash at 4:19 p.m. on US 87 at Sunflower Ln. One of the crash vehicles was situated in the middle of the northbound lanes. The other barrowed onto the property of a nearby business.

Over the radio, the crash was described as a rollover crash. We found no evidence of that. No one was transported to the hospital.

In addition to Texas DPS investigating the crash, the Grape Creek Volunteer Fire Department was directing traffic around the crash scene.

Some of the highway signs along the highway were mowed over during the crash and TxDOT will assess the damage.

2 Cars Collide on US 87 in Grape Creek

2 Cars Collide on US 87 in Grape Creek

2 Cars Collide on US 87 in Grape Creek

2 Cars Collide on US 87 in Grape Creek

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