Another Versa Strike on North Bryant


SAN ANGELO, TX — A Nissan Versa was apparently hit in a spectacular crash that appeared to be a T-bone collision. The airbags were seen deployed after the crash that closed the intersection of N. Bryant Blvd. at W. 19th St.

Witnesses said the driver of the silver small SUV that was too mangled to identify was rushed to Shannon ER. Meanwhile, the apparent driver of the Versa or another witness was busy explaining to police how the crash happened.

Meaghan Luthe said she heard the collision inside Taco Bell and ran out to snap some photos.

This crash involving a Versa on Bryant is the third such incident this year. In March, a Versa driver attempted a daring U-turn that destroyed a pretty nice Camaro. The next day, another Versa was clobbered by a very large dually pickup.

A Versa strikes again on Bryant!

A Versa strikes again on Bryant!

The small silver SUV that was destroyed in the crash.

The small silver SUV that was destroyed in the crash.

A wide angle of the crash scene.

A wide angle of the crash scene.

Up close shot of the damage to the silver small SUV

Up close shot of the damage to the silver small SUV

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