Big Rig Fire Threatens San Angelo Coat Factory


SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo Firefighters were dispatched to the Burlington Coat Factory at 4238 Sunset Drive at around 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning after a fire broke out on a semi-truck behind the building. 

Flames engulfed one of the tires on the back of the truck and had to be extinguished by the firefighters on the scene. The official cause of the fire is still unknown, but wheel fires can generally be attributed to maintenance issues caused by anything from a lack of lubrication, an error in installation, road debris, or a combination of all these factors.

According to reporters on the scene, the firefighters deployed the hose and used all the water in one fire truck before moving to a fire hydrant for more water. The firefighters extinguished the blaze before the fire could spread further. No injuries were reported.

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