Pilot Gravely Injured in Private Plane Crash at Mathis Field


SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo officials have confirmed a single engine private plane crashed at San Angelo Regional Airport Mathis Field Thursday evening during inclement weather. 

According to information from San Angelo Police Officer John Bougliny, 

A small single-engine airplane based out of San Angelo Regional Airport reported engine failure after departing runway 18 and crash landed in the field about 800 ft. off the end of the runway. One person was on board, and was transported to the hospital in critical condition. The aircraft sustained substantial damage.

Witnesses on the scene say the aircraft was a yellow RV-8 high performance single seat experimental aircraft  like the one pictured below: 

RV-8 High Speed Kit Plane (Contributed/Vans Aircraft)

RV-8 High Speed Kit Plane (Contributed/Vans Aircraft)

Witnesses say the airplane took off from runway 18 at Mathis Field and then seemed to experience engine trouble.  

The plane crashed in the safety zone at the end of the runway shortly after takeoff.  

The pilot was transported by ambulance to the hospital in serious condition. 

Witnesses say the National Transportation Safety Board allowed the wreckage to be removed from the crash site and the NTSB is leading the investigation. 

There were thunderstorms in the vicinity at the time of the crash but there is no confirmation if weather was a factor in the crash.  

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