SAN ANGELO, TX — A driver of a black Cadillac lurched out into the intersection of S. Jackson at Knickerbocker Rd., hitting a Kia Soul. The crash happened at the four corners of what is known as San Angelo’s “Chicken District.” Cane’s Chicken and Chick-Fil-A occupy two corners, and Rosa’s Mexican, famous for its chicken fajitas, sits on a third corner. A block or two down the road, another chicken joint is being built.
Police said the Cadillac driver told him she didn’t know exactly what happened with her vehicular control. She told police she was stopped at the light, pointed eastbound on Knickerbocker. Then, for “some unknown reason,” her foot slipped off the brake pedal and pressed the accelerator just about the time the Kia Soul was transitioning through Chicken central, crossing Knickerbocker on S. Jackson.
Police issued a citation to the driver of the Caddy for disregarding a red light. No one was injured seriously, and the crash happened at around 10:30 a.m.

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