SAPD: Autopsy Preliminary Results In on 51-Year-Old Woman Found Dead in Vehicle


SAN ANGELO, TX - Since news spread that the body found on April 10 in the 500 block of South Jackson St. was that of 51-year-old Darlene Perez, many people have theorized the cause of her death. According to several readers, Perez was beloved by all who knew her, and word of her passing shocked the community.


For those who have speculated and who are waiting to know more, the San Angelo Police stated this afternoon that preliminary autopsy results from South Plains Forensic Pathology indicate Perez died of natural causes.


Perez was initially reported missing on April 8, 2017, and police officials located Perez’s vehicle, a 2009 Nissan XTerra, parked in the 500 block of S. Jackson Street utilizing the Department’s Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) System.


LIVE! will continue to provide updates on this story as they are received.

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