Vicious Large Dog Dead After Biting Woman and Officer


SAN ANGELO, TX - A "large breed" dog is dead after attacking a woman and a police officer in the 1100 block of Volney St. 

San Angelo Police Sgt. Baldwin said this afternoon an officer was dispatched to the area in reference to a vicious dog. It bit a woman and caused injury. When the officer arrived, the officer found a "large breed dog" on the loose.

In an attempt to corral the dog, to secure it, the officer attempted to grab a hold of the animal, but it "immediately turned on the officer and bit him, causing a minor injury to his body," said Sgt. Baldwin.

A dog is dead after biting a woman and an officer (LIVE! Photo/Cameron Niblock)

The officer was transported by ambulance to an area hospital with minor injury. He's expected to be just fine, but since he was bitten, Sgt. Baldwin said it's important that he's evaluated.

The dog, however, did not make it.

"There were some shots fired by the officer, and unfortunately the dog was killed," said Sgt. Baldwin.

As for the first victim, the Sergeant said no one seems to know what happened to her.

"I don't know where she was transported to. I don't know for sure that she was transported, and I don't even know her condition," Sgt. Baldwin said.

He added that he's hoping to find out more.

Animal Control did issue a citation to the dog's owner for dog at large. Initially, there was indication that the dog was a German Shepherd mix, but Sgt. Baldwin did not comment on this other than to say it was "a large breed dog."

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Why would a police officer try to grab a "vicious" dog that was obviously agitated?!

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