Man Struck by Train in Central Abilene Identified


ABILENE, TX - A man who died after being struck by a train in central Abilene last Tuesday, October 4, has been identified.

Local news source KTXS said Justice of the Peace Mike McAuliffe, 49-year-old Alfredo Hernandez was killed by blunt force trauma after being hit by the train.

The source noted that at about 8 p.m., Hernandez was siting on the train tracks near South 1st Street and Leggett Drive when the train approached from the east, according to police on scene. 

[[{"fid":"24794","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"On scene at South 1st Street and Leggett Drive(Photo provided by ","height":"675","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview"}}]]

The train engineer used the horn to try and get Hernandez's attention, but ultimately could not avoid striking him. He was dragged underneath the train, but was not dismembered.

McAuliffe said that Hernandez didn’t have a known address in Abilene, said the news source.

Police haven't determined if the crash was an accident or if it was a suicide.

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