Another Failure-to-Control-Speed Crash on Sherwood Way


A woman was transported to Shannon Medical Center this afternoon after the driver of a Ford F-150 collided with her vehicle on Sunset and Sherwood Way.

Crash on Sherwood and Sunset (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

An officer at the scene said, at about 3:15 p.m., the driver of the Ford was traveling northbound on Sunset and about to turn eastbound onto Sherwood. He got into the yield lane where the woman, who was driving a blue Chevy Cruze, was stopped and yielding to oncoming traffic flowing on Sherwood Way. The driver of the Ford, however, failed to control his speed, which caused the collision between the two vehicles.

“His front end basically hit the rear end of the vehicle,” said the officer.

Crash on Sherwood and Sunset (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

The officer said the crash was minor, but the woman was transported to Shannon for back pain. She has a history of back issues.

Additionally, the driver of the Ford received a citation for failure to control speed.

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