Motorcycle Crash Results in Six Traffic Citations


Several San Angeloans, along with emergency responders, came to a motorcyclist's aid after a truck crashed into him in north San Angelo.

At approximately 1 p.m., San Angelo Police responded to a major motor vehicle accident on 23rd St. and Bryant. The call came in as a vehicle versus a motorcycle.

Motorcycle vs. vehicle. (Contributed Photo/Benny Salinas)

At this time, both the driver and the motorcyclist are being checked for injuries. Additionally, traffic is closed down to one lane in the area.

Truck versus motorcycle. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

This is a breaking story. More information to follow.

Update: 2:19 p.m.

Sgt. Todd Dornhecker with San Angelo Police Department, said responders were called out to 23rd St. and North Bryant at approximately 1:10 p.m. after a three vehicles collided, including a motorcycle.

Dornhecker said southbound traffic was entering an intersection on a green light. A brown pickup was heading northbound and about to make a left turn onto 23rd St. and Bryant. She failed to yield the right of way to oncoming southbound traffic. As a result, the motorcyclist, who was heading southbound, collided with the truck. Subsequently, a white Chevy Impala driving behind the motorcycle collided with both the truck and the motorcycle.

Motorcycle vs. vehicle. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

Luckily, the motorcycle rider wore his helmet, and he managed to get up. Dornhecker said he was walking around the scene. Witnesses said something hit high on the fender of the truck, and they thought it might by the motorcyclist's helmet. Additionally, none of the other drivers suffered major injuries that required a trip to the hospital.

"Nobody's injured," said Dornhecker.

The driver of the truck, Maria Cortes Nunez, was cited for driving with an invalid license and failing to yield the right of way during a left-hand turn. The driver of the motorcycle, Martin Banuelos, drove without a motorcycle endorsement on his driver's license, so he also received a citation. Gloria Juares, the driver of the Impala, received three citations for driving with an invalid driver's license, failure to control speed and no insurance.

Motorcycle vs. vehicle. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

Dornhecker said the investigation took time because there were a lot of people involved, including many witnesses. Also, he was provided with video of the incident.

Video showed the complete intersection and incident, so Dornhecker said he was able to confirm that the brown pickup truck failed to yield to southbound traffic.

"All lanes were moving indicating there was a green lane southbound," Dornhecker said.​

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This is exactly why I sold my motorcycle. Its a death wish to ride in San Angelo when there are so many people who don't know how to drive.

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